Welcome and Bienvenido!

Our space is a collective of individual providers. All communication should be managed directly with the provider you’re booking with.

For those who are new, answers to leading questions (like how to check-in or details about space etiquette) are answered in our FAQ Page, here.

Learn about all of our services and providers here.

We are so excited to serve you.

With Love, The OWC Team

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care provides connection and balance within the body. It connects our internal communication system (nerve system) with our external environment. Through the use of our hands on the spine, listening to you and your body, we adjust the spine in different ways to increase your ability to adapt to your environment, which is the definition of health. When your health is increased, your... Read More

Chiropractic care provides connection and balance within the body. It connects our internal communication system (nerve system) with our external environment. Through the use of our hands on the spine, listening to you and your body, we adjust the spine in different ways to increase your ability to adapt to your environment, which is the definition of health. When your health is increased, your quality of life is increased.

Body Massage

Our Massage Therapists offer unique certifications, deeply dedicated practices & leading expertise to offer care that supports Prenatal, Postpartum, Cranio-Sacral, Trauma, Surgery Recovery, Sports Therapy, and more. Further additions to massages include deep tissue, hot stones, aromatherapy & lymphatic massages. Our providers offer in-tandem services with other professionals in different discip... Read More

Our Massage Therapists offer unique certifications, deeply dedicated practices & leading expertise to offer care that supports Prenatal, Postpartum, Cranio-Sacral, Trauma, Surgery Recovery, Sports Therapy, and more. Further additions to massages include deep tissue, hot stones, aromatherapy & lymphatic massages. Our providers offer in-tandem services with other professionals in different disciplines to offer unique care designed to support your individual needs. This therapeutic bodywork enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

As your lymphatic system works hand-in-hand with our immune system, receiving lymphatic enhancement therapy offers the opportunity to receive care at the cellular level. Offering support for those struggling with: sinus pressure and allergies; chronic constipation; bloating; post surgery recovery; post chemotherapy recovery.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic Floor Therapy aims to help women and men recover from a broad range of conditions caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. We create a customized pelvic floor therapy plan that alleviates pain, improves pelvic muscle functioning, and prevents unnecessary surgical procedures while providing compassionate support to both women and men on their journey to healing and recovery.

Dry Needling

A safe and effective specialty certified manual therapy treatment involving inserting thin, flexible needles into muscles to improve pain and muscle function.

Physical Therapy

Counseling / Psychology / Mental Health

In our vibrant, healing space at Our Wellness Community in Dallas, we offer an array of therapeutic options tailored to address common mental health concerns and uplift individuals' lives. Through personalized methods like Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Emotional Transformation Therapy, Drama Therapy, and so much more, we provide support for issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and ... Read More

In our vibrant, healing space at Our Wellness Community in Dallas, we offer an array of therapeutic options tailored to address common mental health concerns and uplift individuals' lives. Through personalized methods like Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Emotional Transformation Therapy, Drama Therapy, and so much more, we provide support for issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and loss, bipolar disorder, and relationship hurdles. Our compassionate therapists are dedicated to guiding individuals on a journey towards reclaiming inner peace, fostering resilience, and embarking on transformative paths to holistic well-being.


Naturopathy is based on the principles of vitalism and the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. It emphasizes using natural therapies to promote healing and prevent illness (such as herbal remedies, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and energy modalities). A holistic approach to wellness, by considering the individual's physical, mental, and emotional well-being, is taken.

Nutritional Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Labs & Diagnostics

MaxGen Lab was created by practicing physicians to provide a safe, accurate, and easy-to-understand way for people to learn about their bodies. Our reports are based on cutting-edge research, trusted by hundreds of physicians worldwide, and have received rave reviews and success stories. All of our reports contain actionable steps with easy-to-understand and implement results. Our simple and... Read More

MaxGen Lab was created by practicing physicians to provide a safe, accurate, and easy-to-understand way for people to learn about their bodies. Our reports are based on cutting-edge research, trusted by hundreds of physicians worldwide, and have received rave reviews and success stories.

All of our reports contain actionable steps with easy-to-understand and implement results. Our simple and precise DNA tests have helped thousands of individuals make more proactive choices toward optimal health and healing.

MaxGen Labs was the first to market privacy of genetic data, and we still stand by our original promise of never selling or allowing third-party companies to have access to your data. We also take pride in being a family-owned company with no corporate ties. Thank you for trusting MaxGen labs with your health and healing goals.

Infrared Sauna + Vibe Plate

Infrared Sauna Therapy can provide the following health benefits: -Increased healing power -Increased immune system -Weight loss -Detoxification of whole body -Pain relief (fibromyalgia) -Stress relief -Cardiovascular workout -Organic skin therapy -C*ncer therapy Vibe Plate can provide the following health benefits: -Boosts metabolism and burns unhealthy fat -Sculpts, tones and f... Read More

Infrared Sauna Therapy can provide the following health benefits:
-Increased healing power
-Increased immune system
-Weight loss
-Detoxification of whole body
-Pain relief (fibromyalgia)
-Stress relief
-Cardiovascular workout
-Organic skin therapy
-C*ncer therapy

Vibe Plate can provide the following health benefits:
-Boosts metabolism and burns unhealthy fat
-Sculpts, tones and firms muscles: abs, thighs, calves, arms, legs, back, booty
-Relieves stress; invigorates body and mind
-Builds immunity to cold, flu, stimulates lymphatic system (c*vid prevention and healing)


Lactation Consulting

Lash Extensions

Gender Affirming Care and/or Supportive Surgery Evaluation



To sign up with Susan, click HERE

Click HERE to connect directly with Susan, via email.

Susan, founder of Solas Behavioral Health, uses a separate platform to book her clients. All potential clients must sign-up to receive a consultation by clicking the link above.

About Solas Behavioral Health: We’re not just a mental health provider; we’re your personal guide on the journey to reclaiming your peace of mind. We offer personalized, patient-focused care, working with you to understand your unique experience.

To sign up with Susan, click HERE Click HERE to connect directly with Susan, via email. Susan, ... Read More

Specializations and Interests: somatic and embodied approach to trauma healing through expressive arts therapies, artists and artistically inclined, walk and talk therapy, couples, high-achievers, therapy for therapists, medical trauma and hospitalizations, grief and loss.

I’m for you if: you want a genuine relationship with your therapist, struggle setting boundaries, sometimes (often) intellectualize your emotions, and are open to a creative, playful and appropriately challenging therapeutic experience.

Specializations and Interests: somatic and embodied approach to trauma healing through expressiv... Read More

Physical Therapist: Pelvic Floor & Orthopedic; Dry Needling Certified; CEO of Oak Cliff Physical Therapy. Jamie’s orthopedic practice combines the use of hands-on, manual therapy to accelerate healing with tailored exercises and education to meet each patient’s unique goals. She is also specially trained to treat women’s pelvic health and is passionate about helping women resolve sensitive issues that have historically been left undiagnosed and untreated. Her patients range from athletes to couch potatoes, and she is happy to speak with you if you’re unsure if PT is right for you.

Jamie participates in Our Wellness Community’s sister non-profit, Take Care Health and Wellness, to provide affordable care for those needing financial assistance.

Physical Therapist: Pelvic Floor & Orthopedic; Dry Needling Certified; CEO of Oak Cliff Physi... Read More

Doctor of Chiropractic + Life Coach

Dr. Francisco is a Dallas native with a true passion to serve families. Francisco grew up in a family first home and knows the importance of a balanced and healthy household. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelors of science in kinesiology. In addition to his chiropractic degree, Francisco also received a bachelors in human anatomy and physiology, and a bachelors in health and wellness. He is passionate about human performance in all seasons of life. During Chiropractic school he was dedicated to becoming better for his future practice and served the community through many mission trips. Dr. Francisco is excited to serve his hometown to create change through education, empowerment, and health.

Doctor of Chiropractic + Life Coach Dr. Francisco is a Dallas native with a true passion to serve... Read More

Our Wellness Community’s Healing Extras are bringing vital detox capabilities to our community at affordable rates.

Our Wellness Community’s Healing Extras are bringing vital detox capabilities to our community at... Read More

We aim to empower + educate. Our mission has expanded to offering low-cost services to all women who struggle to afford care, and for those who care for them.

We aim to empower + educate. Our mission has expanded to offering low-cost services to all women... Read More

Sabemos que la salud mental es política; nuestro trabajo se basa en la descolonización de la terapia y la promoción de la justicia social.

La misión de Papalotl Therapy es proporcionar atención de salud mental equitativa a la población Latinx/Latine y BIPOC (comunidad Negra e Indígena de color) en Texas, centrada en las fortalezas culturales y la sanación ancestral. Nuestro propósito es crear espacios seguros para los inmigrantes y las personas de la comunidad LGBTQIA +.

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Nury Márquez, soy una licenciada en trabajadora social clínico que ha estado ayudando a las personas a accesar servicios de salud mental equitativos desde 2015 y eh sido terapeuta con licencia desde 2017.

Como hija inmigrante de padres inmigrantes, tengo experiencia de primera mano con el trauma de la migración, un tema del que no se habla a menudo en relación con la salud mental. Después de haberme mudado a los Estados Unidos desde México con mi familia cuando era preadolescente, crecí apegada pero desconectada de las dos culturas. Me di cuenta de que existen pocos servicios de apoyo de salud mental para aquellos con experiencias similares a las mías. Esta comprensión me motivó a ampliar mi conocimiento sobre la salud mental y cómo afecta a las personas Negros e Indígenas que me rodean, lo que me llevó a comprenderme a mí mismo.

Comencé a escuchar a mis antepasados y aprender más sobre mi ascendencia Indígena. Me di cuenta de la importancia que tienen las tradiciones indígenas para mi bienestar y reconexión con el yo. Esta conexión con mi ascendencia indígena inspiró el nombre de mi práctica: Papalotl.

Papalotl es la palabra náhuatl para mariposa. En las culturas Latino Americanas, las mariposas simbolizan la importancia del crecimiento, la felicidad, el movimiento, los espíritus de los seres queridos que han fallecido, la transformación y mucho más. Este símbolo también tiene importancia a nivel personal, ya que guía mi enfoque terapéutico como un recordatorio de que nunca es demasiado tarde para transformarnos.


We know mental health is political. Our work is rooted in decolonizing therapy and promoting social justice.

Papalotl Therapy provides equitable Mental Health care to the Latinx/Latine and BIPOC population in Texas, focusing on cultural strengths and ancestral healing. Our purpose is to create safe spaces for immigrants and people of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Hola! My name is Nury Márquez, licensed clinical social worker. I have helped people access equitable mental health services since 2015 and served as a licensed therapist since 2017.

As an immigrant child of immigrant parents, I have first-hand experience with the trauma of migration, a topic that is not often talked about in connection with Mental Health. Having moved to the United States from Mexico with my family as a pre-teen, I grew up attached yet disconnected from the two cultures. I realized that few mental health support services exist for those with similar experiences to mine. This realization motivated me to expand my knowledge about mental health and how it impacts black and indigenous people around me, which led me to understanding myself.

I began to listen to my ancestors and learn more about my indigenous background. I realized the importance of indigenous practices to my well-being and reconnection with the self. This indigenous connection inspired the name of my practice: Papalotl.

Papalotl is the Nahuatl word for butterfly. In Latinx culture, butterflies symbolize the importance of growth, happiness, movement, spirits of loved ones who are deceased, transformation and much more. This symbol also holds importance on a personal level as it guides my therapeutic approach as a reminder that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.

Sabemos que la salud mental es política; nuestro trabajo se basa en la descolonización de la tera... Read More

Hi, I’m Cindy Martinez! I’ve been a professional massage therapist since 2017. Carrying on a healing tradition passed down through my ancestors. Massage is one of the world’s oldest forms of wellness, and I believe it’s a gift I was born to share. My holistic approach blends relaxing and therapeutic techniques for a deep effective and enjoyable experience.

Hola, soy Cindy Martínez! Soy masajista profesional desde 2017. Sigo una tradición curativa transmitida a través de mis antepasados. El masaje es una de las formas de bienestar más antiguas del mundo y creo que es un regalo que nací para compartir. Mi enfoque holístico combina técnicas relajantes y terapéuticas para una experiencia profunda, efectiva y placentera.

Hi, I’m Cindy Martinez! I’ve been a professional massage therapist since 2017. Carrying on a heal... Read More

Founder+CEO of OWC, Doctor of Chiropractic, Developer of Lip+Tongue Tie Protocol, Former Birth Doula, Educator, Leader

“Dr. Lexi is an authentic example and leader in her community, allowing people to express their true authentic selves without shame, guilt, or fear. She loves unconditionally and has never met a stranger, a reason why the space she holds is so inviting. Dr. Lexi has created change within her community through pregnancy, birth and postpartum care and support which transcends present cultural boundaries.”

Find the rest of her bio on our website.

Founder+CEO of OWC, Doctor of Chiropractic, Developer of Lip+Tongue Tie Protocol, Former Birth Do... Read More

As a Doctor of Naturopathy, I focus on exploring the root cause of the symptoms and understanding why you are experiencing dis-ease. Naturopathic work encompasses the foundational components of health. As a Postpartum Doula, I provide evidenced based information such as infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, mother–baby bonding, infant soothing, and basic newborn care.

You can reach me directly by clicking here.

As a Doctor of Naturopathy, I focus on exploring the root cause of the symptoms and understanding... Read More

BOOK A SESSION WITH EVENA BY CLICKING HERE. (If the link does not work, click “Read More” below to expand the bio + open the link.

Evena uses a different Jane Collective, for her booking. Please direct all booking questions to her EMAIL BY CLICKING HERE.

Evena Pierre is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with 12 years of combined experience in high school counseling and mental health counseling. Within the last 6 years, she has developed an even stronger passion for providing unparalleled behavioral health services to individuals struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, and for women who experience mental health conditions during pregnancy and postpartum. Evena received her Master’s of Arts in Professional Counseling from Olivet Nazarene University in Kankakee, IL. Upon graduation, she has gained a wide variety of mental health experience through working with individuals in the school setting, as well as counseling individuals with substance abuse, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, anxiety, depression, and trauma. In her practice, Evena’s desire is to create an environment that is comfortable and safe for clients to express their personal stories. She incorporates Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy as interventions with her clients. Through utilizing these modalities, Evena has found that individuals are able to process, overcome, and understand their unhealthy and challenging situations. Providing “quality health care for the whole you” is the ultimate vision that Evena strives to fulfill with every one of her clients. Servicing her clients by addressing them as a whole person helps to create a strong rapport with every person she treats, which ultimately helps to improve better patient outcomes.

BOOK A SESSION WITH EVENA BY CLICKING HERE. (If the link does not work, click “Read More” below t... Read More

Book even more lash services on my booking page here + enjoy 20% off for first time clients + $20 off for all who leave me a Google Review! My books are available 7 days a week, including evenings.

Book even more lash services on my booking page here + enjoy 20% off for first time clients + $20... Read More

Jana Spillers available throughout the week for in office and at home visits. Please click here to book with her or text Jana at 469-640-0667.

Jana specializes in ages up to 36 months, provides care for newborns in home and in office, provides lactation services in home and in office, and specializes in chronic issues such as feeding difficulties, eczema, developmental delays, digestion challenges, tongue and lip ties, and more.

Jana Spillers available throughout the week for in office and at home visits. Please click here t... Read More

Hey there! I’m Leilani, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who believes food is medicine and has the power to heal our bodies. I also believe eating healthy and stewarding our bodies are not meant to be difficult! If you feel overwhelmed about how to eat well or meal plan, I’d love to help. My goal is to empower people with organization and confidence to make meal planning a breeze and eating healthy enjoyable.

Hey there! I’m Leilani, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who believes food is medicin... Read More

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Located at: 207 S Tyler Street, Dallas
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